The editors of Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology (JRCA ) welcome the submission of articles for publication from members of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology.
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Submitted articles should follow the guidelines for either articles or research notes. Book Reviews can be anything from simple introductory reviews to more elaborate critiques of recently published books.
- Articles should not exceed 12,000 words in length. Research notes should not exceed 8,000 words in length. Book reviews should be around 2,000 words.
- Take note of the following in preparing manuscripts for special issues.
- The guest editor(s) must prepare an introduction which explains the purpose of the special issue. Make sure that all included articles follow the JRCA guidelines and submit the entire set.
- In the case of special issues, the length of each article should not exceed 10,000 words.
- In principle, the number of articles in one special issue should not exceed five (excluding the introduction). If otherwise, please consult with the editorial committee beforehand.
- All articles in special issues will also be put through the review process, which means that even if the special issue itself is accepted, individual articles might not be accepted after peer review.
- Manuscripts (articles, research notes, book reviews and special issue articles) should be double-spaced, in A4 format with wide margins (at least 2.5 cm) at the sides as well as at the top and bottom of the page.
- The cover page of the manuscript should include the title, full name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), a short running title, and the complete address of the person to whom the proofs are to be sent. This applies to all types of manuscripts submitted. In addition, for book reviews, include the following information: title, author, publisher, year and place of publication, and number of pages.
- The second page of articles, research notes and special issue articles should include an abstract (not exceeding 150 words) and key words (fewer than ten).
- Reference citations in the text should include author(s), followed by the publication year, and then page numbers. A reference list in alphabetical order should be included in the manuscript. Journal references should give the authorfs surname followed by initials (mentioning all co-authors), publication year, title of the article, journal title (in full), volume number, and the first and last page numbers. Book references should give author(s), year, book title or article title followed by editor(s) and book title (with page numbers if necessary), place of publication and name of publisher.
- Each table must be submitted as a separate page, along with a brief explanatory caption.
- Figures should be suitable for reproduction. Each figure needs to be submitted as a separate file. The approximate location of each table or figure in the text should be indicated in the manuscript.
- The cover page, abstract, key words, text, notes, and references should be placed in one file.
- The editorial board reserves the right to charge authors for extra costs such as for drawing figures, English editing, etc., if necessary.
- Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, (1) via the submission website, or (2) in the form of electronic files sent to jrcaeditor[at] (3) If neither option is possible, please consult with the editor. The digital file(s) of the manuscript should be in one of the following formats: any recent version of Microsoft Word (*.doc or *.docx), or Rich Text Format (*.rtf). If the manuscript contains letters, marks, figures, tables, etc. that are not precisely represented in the digital file(s), a hard copy of the manuscript should be submitted by mail to the address below, in addition to the digital file(s).
- The copyright for all articles, research notes and reviews published in the Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology (JRCA ) belongs to the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology. Each primary author is required to submit a signed Transfer of Copyright Agreement form before publication. Rights retained by the author(s) after submitting the Agreement are stipulated in the Rules for Reprint and Digitalization of Articles Published in the Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology (including the Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology).
The online submission website for JRCA is at:
- The "submission form" is here: ie[j
Manuscripts may also be sent to the Editor-in-chief as e-mail attachments, addressed to:
- jrcaeditor[at]
(Please replace [at] with @)
Communications concerning editorial matters should be sent to the same e-mail address. It is requested that all e-mails to the Editor have "JRCA" at the beginning of the subject line.
Communications may otherwise be posted at:
- The Editor, Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology
Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
2-1-1-813 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
Revised: March 27, 2007
Revised: December 23, 2007
Revised: July 2016
JRCA instructions for authors
Please follow the instructions when preparing manuscripts.
The file below was made according to the JRCA style guidelines. Please download this template and use it for preparing manuscripts according to the instructions indicated in the file.
JRCA instructions for preparing manuscripts download |
MsWord|Xp 2003 |